Thursday, March 24, 2016

First, A Little History

Greetings All...

First, I would like to offer a little history on myself.  My writing history at any rate.  Some of the 'other stuff' would not be something worth publishing... trust me!

My 'life' as a storyteller began quite early.  I seemed to have the classic middle child syndrome.  Not that I knew of such back 'then', but it seems to fit if you want to categorize me in some way.

It was difficult to get attention, so when I did, I took advantage of it.  Difficult to get me to shut up sometimes.  Well... often.  Okay... MOST of the time.

I could take a simple event like my brother stepping on a nail and turn it into a huge, fifteen-minute long explanation, including what happened before, during, and after the event.  Concise explanations of the blood trail, hopping and jumping, subsequent tetanus shots, and how itchy the scar was as it healed.

That 'ability' stayed with me for many years until I realized in my early teens that people really didn't appreciate a blow by blow.  Most of the time they just wanted a quick and dirty account and for me to go away.

I think that was really when I started to write.  Notes, thoughts, angry letters that were never sent.  Then one day it occurred to me that I actually enjoyed writing.  At that point a lot of my thoughts and ideas for stories ended up being penned to journals.  Some vanished through the years.  Some were saved and survived a divorce and a move a third the way around the world.  Digital, if you have a proper backup, is wonderful at saving all kinds of stuff.

My kids, whom I loved to read to almost from day one, were a serious influence on getting me to actually finish many of my 'works'.  As they got old enough to ask "are we there yet", I began to tell stories 'on the fly'.  It was fun to create 'stuff' for them.  Some of it was obviously borrowed from other stories I'd heard.  But when that ran out, I started to create a LOT of original stories for them.  I have some of those notes saved and waiting for me to return to them.

Many more years passed.  Raising the family, owning and operating my own business without any serious help from my spouse, I had very little time to concentrate on my writing in its fullest form.  The most I got to do was write little story ideas, situational curiosities, thoughts on plot-lines, and on and on.  But, no completed stories... no finished manuscripts.  That is... until recently.

Recent events have given me the time to finish two manuscripts already, the third is underway and will be ready for critical review shortly.  I will post separately about them.  Since this is my first post, you will likely have already read about the stories.

And that is that for the moment.

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