Sunday, April 17, 2016

Kind of a Heads Up on How I Write... Sometimes

Writers tend to find their own way into writing.  Some have a nice office, computers with fancy spell checkers.  Some have their place on the couch... slowly getting butt cheek imprints in the cushions.

For me, I find a great deal of inspiration occurs when I am out and about.  Sitting in the sun somewhere waiting for someone or something.  Maybe taking a break in the middle of the day.  Sometimes just sitting in front of a coffee shop I can find inspiration for a new story.

Regardless, I try to have my journal at hand all the time.

Having lost one, I decided to make a new one.  It was made from an old jacket that I picked up for about fifteen dollars.  From it, I've made my journal cover, the pieces for a new wallet, and still have enough for another journal cover.

In that journal at this time are three more stories.  I have tentatively titled them 'Not Just Another Pirate Story', 'Silence', and 'The Portal'.

Of course, the titles can and likely will be changed as I go along.

Briefly, the Pirate story is a different take on how pirates 'get the babe'.  It has been a fun story to outline and build characters for.  It's finished in outline, now to transfer it into a manuscript.

The Silence story is a bit of a short sci-fi.  One of these days I'll be able to sit down and post it into a computer.

The Portal story is another sci-fi.  A bit heavier.  Interdimensional and all that.  Same thing... I need the time in front of a computer.

There are several others that are coming to the front of my to-do list.

The Historian, The Last Tinker, Contact (of a different kind - title unsettled), Chronicles of The Unwilling (a bit of magic in that one), and others.

Many years... many ideas... many outlines already sitting there... many stories to finish.

Watercolors is the one getting attention at the moment.

Funny how some days I can pen upwards of 8,000 words.  Sometimes more.  Other times, I'm hard pressed to get as few as a thousand onto paper.  Then, I imagine, this is true of all writers.

Kind of like Writers' Tackle.  Different from Writer's Block.  Writer's Block means you are stumped... period.  Writer's Tackle means you got tackled by a thought or idea and it won't let go of your legs and let you keep going.  You gotta kick and struggle for a while before you can get past it.

Posting to this blog seems to do a good job of breaking a tackle.

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