Sunday, April 17, 2016

The Hollerinth Affair - Finished and Undergoing the First Critical Review

Well, this one has been an interesting 'write'.

At first, I had a little trouble deciding what kind of twist to put at the end.  Then I realized I had too many variations on one of the names.  My editor went through and gave some wonderful recommendations and suddenly the naming was simplified and easier to follow.  Funny now when you get your head down and into writing a story you don't notice certain things.  Kind of like another story I have been writing... too many occurrences of the word 'softly'.  But, then, that IS another story.

I strongly recommend a 'pre-edit' be done by an independent editor before you put a book out for any sort of review.

Anyway, it's now out and going through the first critical review in front of a couple readers.  Depending on flow and clarity, we'll see what if any changes get incorporated.

But, it's done.  Ended at 79,500 words.  Nice whodunit.  My short synopsis follows:

The Hollerinth Affair

What would you do if you found out that the last twelve years of your life were a lie?

What starts as a possibly miss-posted military medal opens a floodgate of lies and deception as James Hollerinth discovers the last twelve years of his life may not have been his, but instead, a careful fabrication meant to hide a deep military operation of which he has no recollection.  Nor does he have any memory of ever being in the military.

His life began anew after a car crash that killed his parents… or so he thought.  Owner of a large, successful engineering firm, James is happily married and raising two children.  Living a dream life where even the drive to work in the morning is a pleasant, often looked forward to experience.

Once the mysterious medal is investigated, he finds that he has been carefully watched since ‘the accident’. 

However, someone is watching the watchers.

As his life unravels, his family is taken which leaves him at first devastated.  

Then he gets angry… and takes his life back.

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